Wandegya Market Redevelopment
Wandegeya market was redeveloped and opened in 2014; it is one of the seven markets in the Markets and agricultural Trade improvement program funded by the African Development Bank and the Arabic Bank for Economic Development in 2009. It is the first market to have been constructed and is now in use. Prior to its development, it was an open single level market serving various people in Kampala, especially students of the neighbouring Makerere University. As a three storied building, it is clear that it is being used in completely new ways. I have come across various views about the market; some positive about the upgrade, others concerned that it has lost fundamental qualities, such as, clear visibility across the market. I would like to spend some of my time looking further into this project and its use before and after development. It has already enhanced my understanding about local desires for development of urban markets in the city and the manner in which such projects are implemented. This new form of market has given me more factors to consider in my own design project.
How is it arranged?
Key points from conversations with two traders:
The first, a lady selling household goods.
Has been selling in Wandegeya for a year and took up the job after retirement
Rents out a table in a compartment and pays 20,000 UGX a month for rent (approx. £4.25)
Other costs include security (5,000 UGX) ; she leaves her goods out at night and
Generally satisfied with the market and been easy adaptation for her - many customers for her goods, mostly students and workers in offices in the building
Looking for a job closer to her home district so will leave the market soon.
Customers : students, other offices in building etc
Second conversation was with a gentleman selling chickens :
Has been selling in Wandegeya prior to its re developpment
He was temporary relocated to another market and when it re-opened he returned; many other traders settled into other markets/trading areas and didn't return
Pays 50,000UGX (£10.65) a month for four hens
Buys chickens from wholesaler who comes to market regularly
Happy with market development and improved condition
Not all the chicken hatches have sellers, at periods of the year with more customer demand they are more sellers