Urban market developments for Kampala – an alternative approach
This project seeks to address the dominant historic and current practice of trade in Kampala through studying its urban markets. It explores the history of trade from the formation of the city by colonialists, to the rapid growth of inner-city trade post-independence. Secondly, the physical and socio-political challenges of planning, alongside the social, cultural and economic practices of traders are observed as a form of urbanism that characterises the city today. Finally, contemporary city visions that seek greater formality and modernity as they transform Kampala’s urban markets into new malls are examined.
Owino Market, with an estimate of 50,000 traders, is used as a vehicle to test new visions and design strategies for the future growth of Kampala. Amidst current plans for its development into a mall, Owino Market presents an opportunity to re-imagine principles for a diverse and inclusive city.
A fieldwork period is used to develop a greater understanding of the context of existing markets and redevelopment market projects in Kampala. It will also be used to identify and explore case studies in different settings relevant to this area of research.